Monday, April 11, 2011

PUP Law Entrance Examination

UPDATE: A total af 268 passed the written exams conducted last February 19 and April 16, 2011. The oral exam will be concluded on April 30, 2011.

PUP College of Law admission

In order to be a law student of the PUP law school , an applicant must first pass a written examination and a panel interview. These comprise the whole "entrance exam". The exam is called PUP College of Law Entrance Test (PUPCLET).

The Written Exam
This is an essay type test the purpose of which is to simply gauge the writing skills of the applicant. Usually, only two questions are given which must be answered in paragraph form. There is no right or wrong answer on this. For as long as you present your answer in a logical and grammatically correct manner, you will fare well in this first stage of the process.

The Oral exam
This is the second stage of the entrance test. Only those who pass the written exam will be allowed to advance to this phase. Here, it is the applicant's verbal skills which will be tested.

This is a panel interview usually conducted by the faculty members of the college of law. Each panel is composed of around two to three professors each of whom will be asking anything under the sun. This therefore means that the answer is not material for as long as you can express your answer well using the English language, unless of course the question calls for a right answer such as "Why did you choose to apply in this school?" and the applicant answers " It is because I want to save on tuition fees by transferring later to another more prominent law school."

This year, the PUP College of Law conducted two entrance tests for the coming school year 2011-2012. This first was conducted last February 19, 2011 and the second last April 16, 2011, both of which are Saturday morning.

Applicants may register online PUPCLET Online Registration

The PUP Law also accepts applicants for second semester.
NOTE: Considering the recent development in the bar examination, where the Supreme Court changed the type of exam from purely essay to a combination of multiple choice questions (60%) and legal writing (40%), it has also become imperative and highly suggested that the entrance exam in the college of law be also made MCQ type.


  1. ok very impressive format of examination...I'm hoping that one of this days... I count myself...

    1. you have to brush up your english or you might fail... "one of these days"

  2. hi! i've been thinking of going to Law School for quite sometime. your site is helpful in my decision process.. one request, can you give us a sample interview questions? :) i'm considering going to PUPCL as i'm an alumnus of PUPGS.

    thanks in advance!

  3. what is usually asked in both the written and oral question?.

    1. Common question is why did you choose to enroll in PUP-COL? Others are actually basic questions which will test your communication skills.

  4. I am currently a Broadcast Communication student an PUP. Can my course be used as a pre-law?

    1. Yes, any four- or five-year undergraduate course will do. You may even come from the medical field.

  5. I'll be graduating on April 2012. Would it be possible for me to take the PUPCLEE? I'm from CLSU and my degree is AB Development Communciation. Thanks for the reply.

  6. yes, you can take the PUPCLEE what matters is that you earn a bachelor degree and pass the exam, please visit for further information.

  7. This a "wow" for me, since I will be taking PUPCLEE this April..Thank you and hoping that somewhat everything went perfectly just fine.. well, I guess , goodluck for me.. ^_^

  8. Hi! I just want to ask if a Registered Nurse can take law? Would it be possible? Would it be hard to study? I'm an RN and am thinking to take up law, but I'm not sure if I can do well on this one, because Nursing is quite different to law. Hoping for your opinions THANK YOU!!!

    1. Yes, you definitely can take up law. Of course you will do well, just study hard. Btw, we have a professor who is both a doctor and a lawyer.

    2. a w0w for about an engineer and a lawyer?

  9. I am a current 3rd year law student from Aquinas University College of Law, I failed in Insurance. Due to that, I will not be able to take up practicum, thus, I will not be able to graduate on time by next year. I just would like to inquire if I can be accommodated in PUP, so that I can graduate next year. Thank you.

  10. Im sorry but I dont think that would be possible. You may be accomodated but I dont think you will still graduate next year. PUP and Aquinas have different curricula, so some of your subjects might not be credited. Besides, even if you get accommodated, you might fail a review subject during your fourth year as professors are more stricter to graduating students, specially now that the school got a 50.79 percent passing rate last year. They also dont even have have a so-called "deliberation", so the school wont allow you to graduate whether you only failed one subject in your last semester or in your entire stay in PUP. This is the price of being a PUP scholar.

  11. How is the process for oral exam, I am taking 2nd part oral exam for PUP law entrance.. Would it take long for us to be interview? do we have numbers of in order alphabetically call.? Please let me know, my exam is tomorrow

  12. Duration of interview varies depending on well you express yourself. It may last up to 5 or 10 minutes. Take note that interviewers just want to gauge your oral communication skills. It is not that formal. It is more of a simple question and answer about yourself. But some interviewers will try to intimidate you. They are of course just role-playing so answer their questions as calmly as possible. Good luck!

  13. I passed both of the exams. Original transcript of records is one of the requirements. I've just finished college also in PUP last march and our commencement exercise will be on May 11. And I think it is impossible to submit my TOR during the enrollment period. What can I do about this? And do I have to submit a certificate of transfer credentials? Your response will be deeply appreciated! TY!

  14. Hi. Im not sure about that because Im a graduate of another state u. But the best thing to do is inquire at the COL dean's office. I'm sure they are aware of that fact. They will advise you on what to do or submit in lieu of the TOR. Good luck and congrats!

    1. i am also a graduate of PUP as well as a law student of PUP-COL, usually they will ask you to produce (for some reason or another) a TOR from the OUR, it is quite weird for simple reason that you've earn your degree from the same university, i didn't comply because the College can simply ask for my transcript from the OUR if they wanted to this i think is only applicable for non-graduates of PUP, (it reminds me of IGP) but you must submit your birth certificate, permit to study if you are a government employee, they will give you the requirements upon passing the oral exam part of the test. Welcome to PUP-COL, word of advise, expect the unexpected, if you are a college debater, don't flaunt your argumentative prowess unless you are willing for a dress down beyond imagination, study smart and always prepare, it will teach how to become religious and pray almost nightly, recitation is a staple food you can not refused nor abhore, it is a fact of life.

  15. This is very helpful. Thank you so much for this information. Do you have any suggestions on what is the best work or career that will not interfere or better yet will help me in studying law. Your reply would be deeply appreciated. Thank you Sir!

  16. Hi, gud evening. I plan to take up law at PUP next year. I would like to know the schedule of classes. Is it in the afternoon until evening or in the morning? I am a public high school teacher here in Mandaluyong, and maybe you can give us idea on how much is the tuition fee for the whole sem. Thanks a lot for this site, it helps a lot in deciding process to take a law course.


  17. Hello.. I am incoming freshman this june.. please give feedback on some queries below:

    1.Can you give an overview of law school life?
    2. How to prepare for the first day of class
    3. How to select books that really matter in law school and where to buy?
    4. How to read law books properly?
    5.How can I master the Socratic Method?

  18. I am an in-coming freshman this SY 2012, just have a head start , could somebody suggest books being used in
    1. constitutional law 1
    2. Civil law 1
    3. Persons & Family relations
    Kindly include tile,author and edition or if possible where to purchase it
    Thanks in advance

  19. Wow. This site is really helpful. Like ARIS, I am also planning to take the College of Law entrance exam next year. I earned my Bachelor's in PUP and now hoping to graduate in my Master's this December 2012, still in PUP. I will be teaching in a Science High School this year. I am really thinking if I would pursue Doctoral or go to a Law School. If ever, what time is the earliest schedule of classes in PUPCOL and how much is the tuition per sem? Thanks a lot in advance. :)

  20. hi good evening.. just want to weigh if Journalism might be a good Pre-law course.. im an incoming freshman student in pup and my course is journalism ^^.. thanks!

  21. I am an architect, do I need certain no. of units in english or psychology in order to take llb? and are you accepting applicants at the middle of s.y.? thanks

  22. You need to have 18 units of english, but you can take it while enrolled in the college of law. Yes, the College is accepting applicants for second semester.

  23. I will be graduating this school year, i am a criminology student, does PUP-COL have evening classes?, and how about there tuition fees?

  24. Yes, in fact classes are held in the evening around 6pm except Saturdays. So far, tuition fee is P500 per unit,plus around P1,000 miscellaneous fees.

  25. sir I thought that bachelor of laws is an undergraduate course, I am incoming freshman. do I need to take any other four year course or directly enroll in bach. of laws. PLEASE EDUCATE ME ABOUT THAT... THANKS GOD BLESs

    1. Bachelor of Laws is a post graduate course although it is designated as an undergraduate course. Some law schools such as San Beda, San Sebastian and others have already adopted the trend in other countries where they are now using Juris Doctor (J.D) instead of Bachelor of Laws (LLB). Other law schools will surely soon follow this trend.

  26. Very useful site. And you also answer the questions asked here. I'm also planning on enrolling this second semester. I just want to ask about the schedule of classes, like what time are the classes usually, how many days a week, and if we can choose our schedule of classes? I'm currently working, but not full-time. So I would really appreciate it to know if I can study Law at the same time.

  27. Hi there,

    Your site by the way is very rich with information. Thank you very much!

    To my questions: (1) When is the entrance exam schedule for AY 2013-14? Do we have the info as early as now? (2) What is the [1] specific and [2] general coverage? (3) What and where should I focus in my review? I appreciate your thoughts on this.


  28. Hi, does PUP accept transferees? Thanks!

    1. @ Anonymous August 24, 2012 4:44 AM

      Did you bother reading? It's been answered I understand. :(

  29. Can someone tell me how is it looks like in the 1st semester for Bachelor of Law, (more research and debate..), Is there online course that I can take while it's the 1st sem. I'm just planning ahead If it is possible to study Law. --caregiver1--

    1. Studying Law is like being in war, you never know what to expect until you've been there, but you are utterly aware of the hardships and challenges it entails. :)

  30. Hi, Does PUP COL have classes on Weekends?

    1. How I wish there is a weekend class so that I can take up law.

    2. Weekend classes are only during the whole day of Saturdays. If you can take a Friday night class and the whole day of Saturday, then you may be able to take the minimum load; hence, you may enroll. Thanks

  31. i'm planning to take the entrance exam this February and i'm afraid, i might not pass the entrance test. what might be the possible questions in written exam? :) pleaseeee answer it. thankssssss :)


  33. I posted a question here but it got lost in translation. Mr Blogger, may I know if this year's exam will be the same as last year's like you said as essay? There weren't any pointers as to what sort of exam we will be taking. It was not even mentioned if we need to bring a pen or a pencil. Computerized? I hope you can take the time to email me at if you have any info about my queries. Thanks a lot.

  34. Hi Mr. Author! I want to try the PUPCLET this coming March 2013 and I was wondering how much the test costs? There's no info about the examination fee on PUP's website. Did you know how much is the entrance fee? Please help me. I really want to try it this March.

  35. Hi, just gonna ask if what's the passing grade needed when you're gonna transfer?

    1. You just have to pass the entrance exam. The same kind of exam given to freshmen.

  36. Hi I just wanna know if what are the subjects for the incoming first yr. law for the first sem.? And what books are the proof uses for teachings and can i know the author? I was thinking of transferring on your school.

    1. Basic subjects for first year first sem are Persons and Family Relations, Constitutional Law 1, Criminal Law 1,Legal Profession, Legal Research, Statutory Construction. Usually, professors prescribe particular books for their respective subjects; so its better to wait for the first meeting, unless you have old books at home related to the above subjects which you can read in advance. You may also read and master the codal provisions of the 1987 Constitution, New Civil Code and Criminal Law which are available over the internet.

  37. Hello! I just registered online for the PUP College of Law Entrance Exam days ago, but I didn't notice until now that I've provided a wrong email address account :( May I ask if this would have a bearing in voiding my application considering all other info I've given are correct? Thank you very much for your help. :)

    1. I think it will not make your application void, if you registered the wrong e-mail address then you will not received their notice for the printing of your payment voucher and the reference number that the administrator will use as you get your test permit, but you can try printing your voucher directly thru the website just click the "view and print your payment voucher" and it will require you to answer some questions to validate your application. Once you get your payment voucher, there were instructions for the payment and the test permit as well.

    2. Thank you! I hope to pass the test and be enrolled soon.. Good blog site, very helpful indeed :)

  38. hi! Is there a morning class? i'm currently working and my shift is either 2pm-11pm or 9pm-6am and with that it's impossible for me to take the night classes. I'm hoping that there is a morning claass that I can take, around 8am-12nn. I would really love to go to law school especially to one as good as PUP. :)

  39. There is no morning class for weekdays. The earliest class is 5pm but usually classes are at 6pm and the latest is 9 or 10pm. On Saturdays, earliest is 7am up to 10pm. Most of the law professors are working or employees so they also teach after office hours.

  40. just wanna ask if you need to pass the requirements first for them to issue a test permit. or are the requirements should be submitted once you pass the entrance exam for enrollment? its confusing coz in masters requirements first before they can issue test permit. tnx in advance.

  41. Hi! I am scheduled to take the first part (written) of PUPCLEE on March 16, 2013. I have been reviewing through the help of free online LSAT as I thought the exam type is a combination of MCQ and essay to test mainly logical abilities, reading comprehension, and communication skills. But I was surprised when I read your post that the entire exam is an essay-type of exam. So if an applicant has good written and oral English without much logic, then he'll surely get in? Hhmmm.

    To those taking the "essay" exam on March 16 in PUP Main, see you there!

    1. Good luck to us! see you there. haha:)

    2. HI! I'm also taking up the pupclee on may for the third batch of applicants. just wanna know, how was the exam?

    3. 5 questions. Essay. :)

      Just relax and don't forget your breakfast. Good luck!

  42. Hello! Just want to ask when is the 2nd PUPCLEE written exam? I've been planning to take Law since my lolo who was a lawyer died few years ago. Thanks!

    1. The 2nd PUPCLEE written exam was last March 16, 2013. PUP-CL has scheduled exams for third batch to be held on May 11, 2013. Follow this link:

  43. Hello! Would anyone here know the scheduled date of release of applicants who passed the 2nd Batch of Oral Exam this school year 2013-2014? Was not able to ask about it :) And those who passed here are already good for enrollment, right? Thank you very much!

    1. You'll just have to wait. They usually post it in pup website. You have to pass the oral exam before you get to enroll.

  44. results are already posted.

    if you fail in the 2nd batch, can you still retake the exam for the 3rd batch?

  45. Hi can I enroll at pup for the required units in english, math and social science. Can I take those subjects while I am at my first year at college of law at pup.

  46. I'm not sure when exactly the PUP-CLEE 2013 result was posted, but yeah, I passed (88134 LAMAR, BRYAN MENTES)

    Here's the link:

  47. hi, I am on the waiting list of PUP-CLEE 2013. What considerations do they look for in order to qualify?

    1. If you're on the waiting list, I think you have to wait for available slots from the passers who will not enroll.

  48. I also passed the written and oral exam - 2nd batch. hope to see you around. Btw, when is the enrollment for freshman? after submitting the required documents? thanks

  49. Im from third batch.. just had our written exam yesterday.. ipo post ba nila dito nakapasa sa written exam..? kasi hindi na ako naghintay after ng exam.. umuwi na kaagad ako.. Thanks!

    1. hi im from third batch too..they told us after the exam na the interview will be on the 18th 12pm first come first serve basis and wear formal business attire, wla po cla sinabi regarding sa posting of the result siguro po after interview na since 40 slots nlang daw po available for the third batch

  50. i mean ipo post ba nila sa website..?

  51. i've read that only those who passed the written can continue to the oral exam/interview? How do we know if we passed the written exam? i've been constantly checking the net and their website but there's no news. help pls.

  52. Good luck to all batch 3 applicants! Interview is just so easy. Just be confident and be true to yourself and of course, be smart. As much as possible, 100% English.

    I am so torn between taking Law and MA Economics. I've profound interest in Law but I also think I've a raging devotion to Economics. I both pass Law School admission in PUP and MA Econ admission is AdMU. Now, I'm dead stuck realizing I've put my self behind bars of tough decision making. Argh!

  53. I'm from the third batch and lucky enough to pass. Just want to say thanks since the comments and entries on this blog helped me prepare for the exams. I have a question on one of the requirements. Is transfer credential/honorable dismissal still required even for those who have a bachelor's degree? Thanks in advance for the reply.

    1. for those who hae bachelor's degree you'll only be required HONORABLE DISMISSAL. HD is required because your previous might not issue TOR with notation for pup college of law without it.

  54. Anyone with a "Waiting List" status for admission, you can take my slot. I've decided to pursue my MA in AdMU. God bless everyone! :)

  55. Hi, I have long wanted to enroll in law school. Would you have an idea if the exam for the 2nd sem is already scheduled or announced. I plan to start this 2nd semester.

  56. Hi! Any tips or advice in taking PUP college of Law entrance examination? :)i'm a Pol econ current student at PUP :)

  57. current pol econ student :))

  58. It's an essay type and oral exam. It will test your grammar and your communication skills in the English language, because speaking tagalog is not allowed during recitation once you get into LS. :) and besides prepare for the voluminous readings. Hndi n pwd d2 ang style ng undergrad.

  59. any update about the entrance exam for the 2nd semester

  60. Hi, I would like to transfer for the second sem in PUP. I would like to know the process for transferring and what if I have one failing grade will they still accept me? thanks! :)

  61. Hi!
    I am planning to sign up for the PUPCLEE scheduled on February next year. However, I am a bit confused with the process and requirements. I would really appreciate if you could clear the following:

    1. Do you need to submit first the requirements (TOR, birth cert., med clearance and others) after you've paid but before they issue a test permit? Or you submit it when you pass the exams already?

    2. Does the TOR really need to be noted with "For PUP College of Law Only" 'cause the iApply website does not state the fact but the PUP COL webpage does.

    3. For Med clearance, does it have to be issued by the University or can I have it from outside (e.g. private clinics)?

    Thank you in advance.

    1. 1. All the req in the website will be submitted after passing the entrance exam both written and oral. They will set a schedule for checking all the req before the enrollment.

      2. Yes

      3. For medical clearance. You still need to get it from the university.

      Hope I was able to answer your queries.

  62. may i ask for the breakdown of expenses , then do you have scholarship program ?

  63. i took up BSED mathematics at present and yet i plan to take also law at night after i graduate with my current course ' then is it possible to to know the scholarship program you offer.

  64. I would like to ask if the written examination will be composed of essay type or multiple-choice questions? Thank You. :)

  65. The latest PUPCLEE was really hard...

  66. kelan ba lalabas yung result ng written exam?

  67. meron n pong result

  68. I passed the written test given last January 18, 2014. Could anyone give advice on how to pass the panel interview?

  69. This is a good post to look for specially if I am to take the entrance exam this year. Good job. :)

  70. Results are out and I passed.

  71. this post planning to take the entrance exams on march 22..thanks!

  72. I wish I could pass all the exams. . . But I am not really good in expressing my self in English. . .

  73. any one who wants to share sample questions for the essay part? thank you.

  74. A lot of questions were given to us lately... Current events questions...

  75. Hi will take the exam dis coming march 22, how many questions? yes any sample questions? :)

  76. Lucky to have found this blog. I am also taking the written exam this Saturday, March 22, 2014. Please give us some tips about the questions. Thanks! :)

  77. Hi, just want to ask, if I can still re-enroll in COL. I already earned 40 units sometime on 2007. Again can I still re-enroll in PUP COL considering my long leave of absence?Im planning this 1st sem to contnue?

  78. how much is the latest tuition fee in PUP College of law? thanks

  79. hello... i passed both written and oral exams.. pano po ba yung psychological exam???? :( gusto ko talaga makapasa but i've no idea how to prepare for the third and final exams... thank you po

  80. How many units would actually be required to complete the course though it isn't much of a debatable query. Would it be possible to start the year within the second sem?

    1. Second Sem is no problem.

  81. Do you offer the LLB at the open university?

  82. Hi,

    Can you give me the exact link to where I should start my online application?
    It seems the link provided with the given website is not working anymore.
    I hope someone could help me there. Otherwise, can I just go straight with the Registrar and ask for hard copy which to be downloaded tru online application?

    Thank you very much.

  83. Hi, uhm i am graduating this school year may i know when is the scheduled examination for prospective students like me who wish to enrol in PUP College of Law?

  84. Hi. may I know if summer classes are also available for law students?if so,may i have any detail as regards entrance exam schedule for this coming summer?thank you for the response.

    1. May I know what is the undergraduate QPA required for the admission to PUP College of Law

  85. Online Application for PUPCLEE is now open.

  86. Hi!

    May I ask how many subjects are being taught during Saturdays and how long does a class last?

    I am just trying to figure out if I'll be able to attain the minimum number of units required per sem because I work nights.

    Thanks so much for your help. Your blog is a gift from heaven! :)

  87. Such a long thread indeed! However, I wasn't able to catch any sample question as previously requested by others. Got a schedule for the written exam on the 24th and additional heads up will be highly appreciated. TIA :)

  88. sir vincent peralta i too also scheduled to take the written exam this 24th jas want to know ur u have reviewers at hand?.coz i only depend on internet readings..

    1. his sir, reviewers? sorry but I don't have a single damn thing as reviewer and hopefully we get to have one before the exam day comes. Til then, I beleive we just have to keep our fingers crossed and whatever the outcome is, THY WILL BE DONE. hehehe

      Goodluck to us! :)

  89. tsktsk i can feel the pressure and how really difficult the exam is going to first i thought i can count on my present knowledge but after reading all your words losing it...hehe me out folks...

  90. I have a problem in my birth certificate, it still need to undergo revisions. Can I enroll in PUP Law while processing it. thanks

  91. What are the questions about? Is it random or law-related?

  92. What are the essay questions about? Is it random or law-related?

  93. Hi! I'll take the written exam by April 25, however I don't have any idea regarding the essay type questionnaire. Can anyone tell their experiences during this school year's exam?

    BTW, this blog is a big help! ☺😊😀

  94. Nice blog. It helps a lot. I'm wondering when will be the next enrollment? Can we enroll for the second sem 2015-2016? I tried searching it in CL website but I can't find it.

    Reading the comments, it makes me really sick (especially now that I learned that there's an oral exam, omg) as much as it gave me the eagerness to take it, considering me having a very very low self-esteem, lol..but I'll take it anyway. So, goodluck to me.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. I have been planning to take up Law by next year once I have finished my Master's Degree and this blog was a big help in my decision process. :) Reading all the comments gave me the idea on what to expect in Law School. I was a bit scared but this gave me the motivation to pursue my long lost dream. Moreover, can I request for sample essay and interview questions so I can prepare in advance? Thanks a lot. :)

  97. I applied for PUPCLEE. And I m planning to pay at the University cashir tomorrow. My question is: Upon payment in the PUP cashier, Will I be able to get my test permit also o that particular day? Thankyou

  98. Yes, you will get your test permit after paying. Proceed to the Dean's Office immediately. Make sure you paid the Psychological Exam Fee as well.

  99. hello! just wanted to ask what if nag-apply po ako for pupclet then hindi ako naka-abot sa bayaran which is until tomorrow na lang. supposedly kasi tomorrow ako magbabayad kaso sarado pala because of the feast of nazareno. can i apply again for the 2nd batch? wouldn't be considered void? your responses for this will be highly appreciated. thanks folks :D

  100. hi! I was part of the First batch PUPCLE Examinees for 2016-2017. I failed. And I am intending to try again. Can I apply for the Second batch within the same school year?

    1. Hi! I think better if iaask mo ang Admin ng PUP Law. Super bait nila. Tawag ka na lang sa Dean's Office to know if possible pa magapply ulit :)

  101. Hello there, felt sorry you didn't passed. Can you please give me an idea what the exam would be? Thanks much!

  102. Hi. May I retake the written exam for 3rd batch if I failed the exam on 2nd batch? Please please reply. Thanks

    1. May nakapag ask npo ba for retake of the same year? kse iba nman ang exam pag 3rd batch?

  103. Hi! I think better if iaask mo ang Admin ng PUP Law. Super bait nila. Tawag ka na lang sa Dean's Office to know if possible pa magapply ulit :)

  104. Hi! I would like to know the breakdown of PUPCOL fees, such as, tuition fee per unit and miscellaneous fees. I'm not sure if it will be the same as mentioned above on this comment thread. If anyone would be able to answer it, I will certainly appreciate it. Thanks! :)

  105. Hi im planning to take up law this year. What are the schedules for the 2nd semester? Thanks

  106. Does PUP Law accepts transferees? Thanks for responding!

    1. Yes, you just have to pass the PUP CLEE, the same examination given to freshmen applicants.

    2. clean slate po pag nagtransfer?

  107. I am a PUP graduate (for several years now :), and working abroad. It is always in my plan to take up Law, just like to know if there are PUP-COL programs for an on-line entrance exam and Law studies? Thank you.

    1. Sadly, there's no online program for that.

    2. Thank you for your reply. What would you suggest as an alternative option instead? Are there any PUP groups abroad (middle east preferrably) that we may join?

  108. How much is the tuition fee per sem nowadays at PUP COL (2018)? Thank you.

  109. What is the type of written exam administered at PUP COL?

  110. Hello, is the format of the exam still the same (written:essay, oral:panel interview)? It's difficult not knowing what the scope of the exam is going to be, thus not knowing what to review. If you could confirm if the format is still the same until this year,that would be very helpful. Thanks!

  111. If mag eenroll po ako ng second sem, same curriculum ba ang kukunin ko sa first sem? Kasi db may mga pre-requisite subject? How does second sem work interms of curriculum?

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. Do we have an update about the PUP LAW entrance exam for takers this coming 2020 PUPCLEE?

    1. The exam is on July 9.

      I am torn between Law School and MBA but something in my mind is itching me to go for Law School.

    2. I did apply for PUPCLEE 2nd batch exam. I really wonder what the questions would look like. Any ideas? Thanksssss

  114. Me :) my law student friend told me more on grammar, critical, verbal reasoning and current events.

    1. Hi, do you have any idea on how they conduct the PUP college of law entrance exam online (during the pandemic)? Is it thru google docs or some chatbox maybe?

  115. I’ve read several comments of people interested going to law school in this thread, and it is been around 8 years for other commenters, I’m just thinking, is there some of you who is already a lawyer now a day? :D

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